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Wedding Trends for 2017

2017 Wedding Trends

Things change and evolve in the wedding industry, but never overnight. It takes a few years to really see major trends, but I can tell you a few things that have caught my eye over the past year when I have photographed or videotaped weddings.

  1. Tribute charms or lockets hanging from the stem or handle of the brides bouquet is a huge trend. These are lockets with a picture of a family member that has passed away. It is a very special way of holding them close to you during this big event.
  2. Flowers arraignments at the reception are getting smaller. For a while arrangements were so big and on pedestals that they would blocked guests view of each other at their tables. Succulents are popular as a low growing plant arrangement.
    Many brides are getting away from flower arrangements totally at their tables and using lanterns or beautiful candles.
  3. Candy tables are back. They were popular about ten years ago and kind of fell out of favor for awhile but I am happy to say they are back. Some will have vintage candies like dots or candy cigarettes. Others will have homemade candies or a mix of everything.
  4. Photo booths are very common now at weddings. What makes me sad is that many brides choose a Photo Booth over a wedding video at a wedding. Don’t get me wrong, I like photo booths, but if you have to choose either a booth or video because your budget is tight… Go with the video. Video really takes you through the day with sound and movement. It may not be something you watch very often, but it can really bring you back to your wedding day like nothing else can. I have never had a couple regret having video, but I have had plenty regret that they did not!
  5. I do see more and more couples doing a selfie area at a wedding instead of a photo booth. They put up a backdrop usually something with their wedding date on it and people can come over and take a selfie. Some make it look like a red carpet area at an awards show. Super cool inexpensive idea.
  6. Straps on wedding gowns are slowly coming into favor. I am seeing more and more each year.
  7. Wedding cakes are still popular, however a couple may have a small cake to cut and delicious cupcakes for their guest. One wedding I photographed last year had cannolis instead of cake. Very Yummy! A cake secrete I have seen over the years is they have a large cake, but only the top layer is real. The couple cuts the real layer at the top and then the cake is taking in back. The venue cuts and plates a Costco cake and brings it out and serves it to the guests. No one knows the difference.
  8. Guest no longer just sign in at a wedding. Couples have gotten very creative with asking you to give advice or congratulations on drawings, photos, and wooden boards. This becomes a momento they hang in their home.
  9. The groom and groomsmen’s outfits have not change a whole lot over the years. The tux is still king, but matching cufflinks are a happening. They may even be super hero themed. The trend of matching socks is still very popular with the guys.

To wrap things up… I hope you have enjoyed my wedding Trends for 2017. If you are looking for a wedding photography or video please don’t hesitate to email, call or make an appointment to come in and meet with me. I do still have some dates available for 2017 and I am starting to book for 2018. I would love to hear from you. Right now is a great time to book! If you book us for a wedding before March 30th, 2017 you can get $200.00 off any wedding photography or video package and you can get $300.00 off any Photography/Video together package! Call 810-229-4971 or Email me at info@andersonstudios.cominfo@andersonstudios.com. Click on my Facebook Icon on the top of the page to see more examples of my work.

Thank you,

Judy Anderson
Anderson Studios Photography & Video
or click on my Facebook Icon.

By |2017-04-20T07:05:26-04:00January 19th, 2017|News|Comments Off on Wedding Trends for 2017

Bridal Show Coming Up and a Big Thank You!

As 2016 comes to a close I always like to take a moment to thank all of you for trusting in us to document your Wedding Day, Senior pictures, business portraits, Dance portraits or events. It is an honor and such a pleasure to do so. I feel blessed every day to go to work and do something I dearly love to do. From my Family to yours have a wonderful Holiday and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

In January I will post what trends in Weddings I have observed over the past year and follow up with some of my favorite images from 2016.

If you are getting married in the coming year or two and need a photographer or videographer to document your day please don’t hesistate to contact me. I have wedding video hightlights from 2016 weddings up on my Facebook page so just click on the Facebook icon on the top of the page and look at my work. I also have hundreds of photography samples posted on Facebook and right here on the Website. I book a lot of my wedding season in the next six weeks so I hope to hear from you.

Come visit me at my booth at the HERE COME THE BRIDES BRIDAL SHOW on January 15th, 2017 at Brighton High School from 1-5pm. At the show you can enter my contest to WIN $500 off any Wedding Photo or Video package I offer! Plus, in honor of the Bridal Show I have a Great Bridal Show Special Going if you book by Febraury 28th… Get $300.00 off any Photography/ Video package or get $200.00 off a photography package or just a video package.

The Studio will be closed for the Holidays from Dec. 23rd- Jan. 5th, 2017 . However, don’t hesistate to contact me either through email or by phone. I will check my email and phone messages often and will get back to you as soon as possible.

Have a Happy Holiday and the best New Year!


Judy Anderson

Anderson Studios Photography and Video



By |2017-04-19T17:52:12-04:00December 14th, 2016|News|Comments Off on Bridal Show Coming Up and a Big Thank You!

High School Senior Portrait Special!

I Love to photograph High School Seniors Portraits. If you know someone in need of pictures I have three great sessions to choose from at very affordable prices.

1. A yearbook head shot session. You get one outfit and your proofs up in our on-line galleries to choose your yearbook picture. You get free retouching and can purchase prints. That session is $75.00.

2. Standard Session- You get three outfit changes. We do the yearbook photo and some other photos inside and then we step outside in downtown Brighton. I have a nice shaded route along the river that is very uncrowded. The fellas seem to really love this session. When photographing the girls in this session we can go on the uncrowed route and shoot in and around the Millpond area. This session is $90.00. Two weeks later you get either an on-line gallery or a proof book with 90-120 proofs in them. The deposit for the gallery on line is $100 or for a proof book $150.00 but it goes towards your prints! You will have have that money on account for when you are ready to order prints! Plus you get a free 11×14 inch gallery print if you order any print package.

3. Indoor/Outdoor Session- You get 5 outfit changes. You get the yearbook picture taken in the studio and then we go off site to Kensington Park or anywhere in the area up to 20 miles. About two weeks later you get a proof book or on-line gallery with 90-120 proofs. The deposit is the same as in the Standard session. $100 for on line or $150.00 for proof book. The deposit does go toward your prints. You will have that on account when you order prints! Right Now there is $50.00 off this session if you book a session by August 31st. It is $115.00. Normally it is $165.00. Plus, you get that free 11×14 inch print if you order any print package.

As you can see…I don’t hide any of my pricing. I know if I were looking around for Senior pictures I would want up front pricing. Dates are filling up fast. Brighton High’s Deadline is in the first week of October! Call 810-229-4971 or email me at info@andersonstudios.com to book a session today!

Thank you,

Judy Anderson Anderson Studios Photography and Video


By |2017-04-20T06:50:44-04:00June 10th, 2016|News|Comments Off on High School Senior Portrait Special!

Wedding Trends for 2016

2016 Wedding Trends

I love weddings!  As a wedding photographer and videographer I get the honor of attending many weddings.  I am always looking for whats new and trendy in dresses, decorations,  and even event rituals.   Here are a few of my observations from 2015 and what I see trending in 2016.

Bridal Gowns– I am seeing a lot of sleeves or straps on gowns vs. strapless.  This makes it easy for the gowns to stay in place and not shift and move like the strapless gowns.

Grooms Clothing– Huge trend in patterned socks or character socks.  The whole male bridal party is wearing matching socks.   Super hero appeal for the men is big.  Everything from T-shirts under their tux to superhero cufflinks.

The super Hero theme is also a huge theme for wedding decor itself and shows up in not only the appeal at weddings, but also table and room decorations.   I had several wedding in 2015 where  the tables at the reception were identified with different Super Hero emblems.

–  Last year I had several weddings where the couples asked the guests to not take pictures or video with their cell phones during the service.  Couples want guests to be present in the moment.  Not messing with their phones.  Many guests think they are helping the bride and groom out by taking pictures and video, but you have to remember that is what they hired us for.    I can’t tell you the number of times guests have stood up  in front of me with their cell phone  or  a giant tablet and  blocked me from taking a photograph.

Brides are always looking for advice at the wedding…A signing matt is  still used but Brides are getting really creative with recycling old pill bottles (prescription for a good marriage) and asking you to but advice on a paper and put it in a prescription bottle.   Have an old Typewriter sitting around? Put it out on a table and ask people to type advice on the old typewriter.  One Bride had you write things on a peg and place the beg in a big picture.

Displaying bridal pictures of parents, grandparents and even great grandparents is really popular.

-Center pieces on the tables at the reception…. You see everything from flowers and twigs to jewels and lanterns.  LED  Lighting in the middle of flower arrangements on the table is big.

-Parting gifts or thank you gifts for guest….   I have seen  suckers, cookies, maple syrup, jam, candy, christmas ornaments and hot chocolate in mugs.   I am always amazed at what Brides come up with.

I am seeing less and less of bouquet and garter toss. I think this ritual has seen it’s day.  Only about 50 percent of my brides throw the bouquet and even less of the grooms tossed the garter.  Brides still have good luck with women coming out and actually catching the bouquet, but the guys just don’t want to even try to catch the garter anymore.

Here are a few more trends I saw in 2015…Candy tables made a comeback … Photo booths are still in… Uplighting all the way around the room is still very popular…  Special guests like Spartie from MSU showing up for an hour at the reception…  Cupcakes instead of a big cake are still popular.   But a sweets table with multiple cakes or pies is also trending… Real flowers still rule, but putting beautiful brooches in with the brides bouquet is a hot trend…  The dollar dance is a thing of the past.

I hope you have enjoyed my observations and if you are a bride or groom getting married this year or next and need a photographer or videographer ( or both) please feel free to contact me.  I would love to talk to you.   My 2016 schedule is filling up fast, but I do still have some dates available. Mention you read this blog and get $200.00 off any wedding package!

Thank you,

Judy Anderson

Anderson Studios Photography and Video


info@andersonstudios.com (email)

By |2017-04-19T17:49:08-04:00March 3rd, 2016|News|Comments Off on Wedding Trends for 2016

End of Year happenings!

I have been blessed this year with some of the most awesome clients, friends and family.   I wanted to take a moment as we end the year and travel into 2016 to thank all of you.  You are all truely the best and it is your continued support that makes me feel so fortunate  to do something I truely love everyday.    Thank you

Coming in January I will have a blog with My Wedding Trends for 2016.   I will also post some engagement and wedding pictures.  If you would like to see some wedding pictures  now or wedding videos from 2016 you can go to my Anderson Studios Facebook.  Just click on the f at the top of the page.  It will take you to my Facebook page.   I will get the website up to speed in January 2016.

If you are getting married in 2016 and are looking for a wedding photographer or video please don’t hesistate to contact me.  Dates are filling up! You can call, 810-229-4971, email me at info@andersonstudios.com.  Come out an meet with me at the Brighton Bridal Show called ” Here Comes The Brides” Bridal Show.  It is on January 3rd, 2016 from 1-5pm at Brighton High School.

Happy Holidays!

Judy Anderson

Anderson Studios


By |2017-04-19T17:48:18-04:00December 23rd, 2015|News|Comments Off on End of Year happenings!

10% of all Engagements Happen on Valentine’s Day

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner I dug up a few interesting facts. It is hard to believe but Glamour Magazine reports that only 10% of all engagement proposals take place on Valentine’s Day. That still makes it the number one Day to get engaged on. I just thought that number would be much higher. December ends up being the most popular month of the year to get engaged. They also report that the average engagement ring cost $5,229 and the average length of engagements is 14.7 months!

If you are one of the lucky couples that just recently got engaged over the past few months congratulations! 69% of you will take engagement photos. Engagement photos are a wonderful way for you to get to know and work with your photographer before your wedding. I absolutely love doing engagement sessions. However, not all photographers do engagement sessions. Make sure your photographer is up for it and check to see if it is in your wedding package or something you have to pay extra for. I include it in all of my wedding packages, so you don’t pay extra for it. It is a fun, casual session that generally takes place outside during warmer months However, winter sessions are growing in popularity.

I wrote a detail blog on engagement session last year. If you would like some more information on what they should be about and what they shouldn’t be about scroll down and read my Valentine’s Day blog from last year. It has a ton of good information in it.

If you have any questions on engagement sessions or photography/video in general please feel free to contact me. I have attached some of my favorite images from engagement session I did in 2014. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did taking them.

Happy Valentines Day!

By |2017-04-19T17:47:16-04:00February 12th, 2015|News|Comments Off on 10% of all Engagements Happen on Valentine’s Day

What A Year 2014 Has Been!

What a year it has been. I have been so busy that I haven’t had the time to write on my website. I am much better at updating my Facebook page. I promise to do better in 2015.

This time of year I want to make sure I take a moment to thank everyone that allowed us to document some of the most precious moments in their lives. Whether it was your High School Senior’s, Senior pictures or perhaps it was your Wedding Day, it was my pleasure and I so appreciate your business.

I never get tired of picking up my still camera and taking a photograph of a Bride, a Senior, a Baby, a Family or even a Business photograph. What makes it even more special is I also get to Video Events and Weddings too. It is a combo I have done for years and the excitement of doing both of them keeps me smiling on my way into work. However, without you and your support I would not be here.

Thank you so much! May you have a wonderful Holiday and the best New Year Ever!


Judy Anderson
Anderson Studios Photography & Video
209 West Main St., S-103
Brighton, MI

By |2017-02-01T23:39:49-05:00December 23rd, 2014|News|Comments Off on What A Year 2014 Has Been!

Year ON! Helpful Hints to surviving a Senior Portrait Session

As we congratulate our 2013 Seniors and send them off to college it is not to early to talk about our 2014 Seniors who are ready to step up into their last year of High School. Having your Senior Pictures taken is an important step in this year and it can make a lot of teens nervous. What should I wear? What should I bring? How should I do my hair? I get asked these questions all the time, so I have come up with a few helpful hints to make Seniors more comfortable in front of the Camera.

Lets start at the top. Try not to get a haircut to close to your senior picture appointment. It is always best to live with a cut for a few days. Just in case it is too short or not what you wanted. This is especially true for boys. I have had many a teen over the years reschedule an appointment because their hair was cut to short.

Don’t experiment with a new hair color just before a High School Senior portrait appointment. Just stick to a color you are already comfortable with. As women, I have tried a new color that I ended up hating, so it is best to experiment well in advance of the appointment. That way you have time to fix it if necessary.

Guys don’t forget to shave your face the day of your Senior picture appointment. Moms seem to like the clean-shaven look and I have had Mom’s run home during appointments and get a razor.

Don’t forget jewelry. If you are changing outfits you may want to change your jewelry to match the outfit. A couple pairs of earrings, one or two necklaces would be nice. If you have a Senior Class Ring don’t forget to wear it. Bracelets are nice, but you may want to remove the plastic charity bracelets for your session. Scarves are really hot right now, so why not bring one and add it to one of your outfits.

As for clothing…keep it comfortable. Try not to where anything really tight. You need to be able to move around and tight clothing can be very restricting. Also, stay away from very large prints. They can bring the eye away from your face and focus it on the print.

Clothing suggestions for girls…a nice top or dress for Senior Yearbook picture. A few tops and a pair of shorts, a skirt, jeans or crop pants for bottom.

For a boy…. Jacket and tie for yearbook picture, button down fitted shirt, golf shirt and a casual T-shirt for up top. A pair of jeans and shorts for the bottom.

Don’t forget your Varsity Jacket, athletic clothing or Uniform if sports were a big part of your life in High School.

Moving on down to your feet.. Make sure your shoes are clean. You don’t want to come in with dirty tennis shoes. Make sure they are comfortable. Nothing worse then trying to smile and look happy when your shoes are hurting your feet. Many girls love the six inch heels, but they can be hard to walk in outside on location. Bring a pair of flats to walk in and change into the heels when you are set in a location.

Don’t forget anything else you would like in your session. I have had teens bring, cars, snow boards, athletic gear, motorcycles, horses, dogs, cats, computers, paints and brushes, and instruments, However, don’t feel like you have to bring something. About 50 percent of my seniors just come with a change of clothes.

Last, but not least, have fun. Take a deep breath and make it an experience to remember. Your last year of High School will be over before you know it, What you will have left are your special memories and lots of great pictures.

I would love to be your senior picture photographer and I have three different sessions available for you to choose from. Please click over to my senior picture page for my sessions and pricing. If you book an Indoor/Outdoor session before September 1st, 2013 you can Save $50.00!

I have lots of exciting News! I have moved the photography studio to Downtown Brighton. You can now find me in the lower level of the White Dress Building, 209 W. Main Street, Suite 103, Brighton 48116. In this new location my standard session’s outdoor portion will be in the Millpond area. Plus, I can now offer Hair and make-up for sessions.

Sessions times are limited and can fill fast, so please don’t hesitate to call and book a session, 810-229-4971.

Thank you for stopping by. Keep smiling!

Judy Anderson

Anderson Studios Photography and Video


209 W. Main Street, S-103

Brighton, MI 48116


By |2017-02-02T04:34:39-05:00June 3rd, 2013|News|Comments Off on Year ON! Helpful Hints to surviving a Senior Portrait Session

14 Million Couples Get Engaged!

A survey by American Express found that 14 million couples got engaged on Valentines Day. It is the biggest Day of the year for engagements. More then Sweetest Day, Hanukah, Christmas and New Year’s combined. So, if you find yourself one of those lucky 14 million…. Congratulations! This Blog is for you. It is a few tips to keep in mind when you are getting ready to go out with your Wedding Photographer to photograph your Engagement Session.

First of all the whole point of an Engagement Session is to spend some time with your photographer. You get to know them and see how you work together. Of course you want beautiful pictures too, but you will feel more at ease and have a better outcome if you are comfortable with your photographer.

Engagement sessions are more casual photos then on your wedding day, so dress comfortable. Try not to wear anything real tight the day of the session. That goes for the Groom as well as the Bride. Tight clothing will only make you feel constricted and unhappy. You want happy pictures. So think comfortable. That goes for shoes too. You can bring those beautiful six-inch pumps to get photographed in, but bring comfortable shoes to just walk from place to place in.

Pick a location that appeals to both of you. If the Groom is a Hockey Player and wants pictures on the Ice. Make sure you are OK and comfortable with being on the Ice. The last thing you want is to go along with a situation that scares you and could hurt you if you don’t skate. As a Photographer, I want you to be relaxed and happy with your location. It makes for much better pictures. In addition, don’t forget to get permission if you are photographing in a Private Park or building. There are times when you may have to pull a permit.

Be ready to reschedule an outdoor Photography session not only for rain but also for high winds. A windy day is just as bad as rain. It will wreck havoc with a bride and in some cases even the groom’s hair. Plus, it can just be a pain to keep a dress or other pieces of clothing down in high winds

Ok, so you are out on location having a good time and the Photographer wants you to do a pose that you are just not feeling. Don’t be afraid to speak up even if the Photographer says, “trust me it will look beautiful”. Chances are if you were not feeling it –it wasn’t working anyway. I have found over the years that what one couple likes another couple can just hate. I love honesty and would rather skip a pose then make a couple do something they are not in favor of. So don’t be afraid to speak up.

That goes for a pose that you have seen somewhere and want to do. As a Wedding Photographer I have a ton of poses stored in my head, but unfortunately I don’t know them all. Don’t be afraid to ask or better yet show the photographer a picture of the pose. Most photographers are more then happy to incorporate whatever pose you would like.

Now days, most photographers include a Free Engagement Session when you book a Wedding Package with them. I include it free with any Wedding Package you book with us. In the end, it is not only a good way for you to get to know your photographer before your Wedding Day but it give us time as Photographers to get to know what you like and dislike about being Photographed. The outcome should make you feel very good about the choice you made for your wedding day coverage.

If you are one of the 14 million couples just engaged or have been engaged for a while and are looking for a Wedding Photographer or Videographer please don’t hesitate to call me at 810-229-4971 or email me at info@andersonstudios.com. Right now we have a great wedding package special. You can get $200.00 off any Wedding Photography and/or Video package. Plus, a free 11×14 inch package if you book by March 31st, 20 13.

The images included with this Blog are from several of the Engagement Sessions I photographed for couples getting married in 2013.

Thank you for stopping by. Keep smiling!

Judy Anderson

Anderson Studios Photography & Video

5050 South Old US-23, S-200

Brighton, MI 48114



By |2017-02-02T04:34:43-05:00March 6th, 2013|News|Comments Off on 14 Million Couples Get Engaged!

More Wedding Trends For 2013

More Wedding Trends for 2013!

If you read my last Newsletter or Blog I listed a few of the trends I am seeing at weddings. As promised here are the rest of them…

#4. I have seen my share of beautiful cakes over the years at weddings, but for the last couple of years I have seen more and more couples have a small traditional cake to cut but actually serve cupcakes to the quests- Not just any cupcakes, but delicious specialty cupcakes! At Michael & Gretchen’s wedding in Frankenmuth, MI they had cupcakes baked into beautiful keepsake coffee mugs with their name and wedding date on the mugs as their wedding favors. Janina and Andrew were married this past October and they had the cutest pies! Yes, pies with little hearts baked into them. Andie & Eric were married in November and they had a tree of different flavored cannolis and cupcakes. Don’t get me wrong cakes will never go out of style at a wedding, but by adding something a little different you give people something to talk about after the wedding.

#5. The biggest trends I have seen in actual wedding cakes- are fun toppers. I have photographed toppers with Grooms holding golf bags, hockey equipment, and even couch-potato grooms with remotes in their hands. The bride topper paired with all of these men is always impatient but waiting for her man. Don’t be afraid to call out your man on the wedding day. It is a fun way to let everyone know you will love him no matter what!

Another wedding cake topper trend is the first letter of the last name. I have been seeing this a lot lately; it is so elegant and photographs beautifully.

#6 I haven’t mentioned wedding table centerpieces yet, but the biggest trend I see here is tall, – up –off-the- table arrangements. Many centerpieces do not even have flowers in them but tree branches. The branches have candles hanging from them with crystals or beads. They give an enchanted forest feeling to any wedding.

#7 I am always amazed at how creative couples have gotten with favors or thank you gifts. It use to be if you got anything at all at a wedding it would be an after-dinner chocolate or a piece of cake wrapped in a napkin to take home. Now you may get a small beautiful box of chocolates or a candy bar wrapped with the bride and grooms name and date on it. I have even received Cookies in the shape of the Bride and Grooms First initials and the coffee mug mentioned above. Picture frames are popular. Especially now if they have a photo booth at the wedding. This time of year it is so pretty to give each guest a holiday ornament with the couples name and date as a favor. I was the videographer at a wedding in August where the couple gave a small bottle of Jagermeister (the couples favorite) to each guest. I have seen small wine bottles – and even hot sauce with the bride and grooms name on it.

I am always amazed at how innovative brides and grooms can be. I hope you have found these wedding trends helpful, especially if you have a wedding coming up in the future, Please don’t hesitate to email me at info@andersonstudios.com or call me at 810-229-4971 so we can discuss your wedding photography or wedding videography needs.

I cannot possible end a year without thanking everyone that has made it special.

Thank you and Congratulations to all the wonderful wedding couples who I photographed or videotaped in 2012. Thank you and the best of luck to all the High School Graduates I photographed (I will post senior photos on Facebook). Thank you to all my business Clients and dance school’s you are the best. Last but not least thank you to Frank and my wonderful children: Stephanie, Mallory and Dylan. They know all to well the countless hours and dedication I devote to my work and somehow they still love me.

Happy Holidays! I hope 2013 is your best year ever!


Judy Anderson

Anderson Studios Photography & Video




PS. Coming next month engagement photos!

By |2017-02-02T04:34:49-05:00December 13th, 2012|News|Comments Off on More Wedding Trends For 2013
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