A survey by American Express found that 14 million couples got engaged on Valentines Day. It is the biggest Day of the year for engagements. More then Sweetest Day, Hanukah, Christmas and New Year’s combined. So, if you find yourself one of those lucky 14 million…. Congratulations! This Blog is for you. It is a few tips to keep in mind when you are getting ready to go out with your Wedding Photographer to photograph your Engagement Session.

First of all the whole point of an Engagement Session is to spend some time with your photographer. You get to know them and see how you work together. Of course you want beautiful pictures too, but you will feel more at ease and have a better outcome if you are comfortable with your photographer.

Engagement sessions are more casual photos then on your wedding day, so dress comfortable. Try not to wear anything real tight the day of the session. That goes for the Groom as well as the Bride. Tight clothing will only make you feel constricted and unhappy. You want happy pictures. So think comfortable. That goes for shoes too. You can bring those beautiful six-inch pumps to get photographed in, but bring comfortable shoes to just walk from place to place in.

Pick a location that appeals to both of you. If the Groom is a Hockey Player and wants pictures on the Ice. Make sure you are OK and comfortable with being on the Ice. The last thing you want is to go along with a situation that scares you and could hurt you if you don’t skate. As a Photographer, I want you to be relaxed and happy with your location. It makes for much better pictures. In addition, don’t forget to get permission if you are photographing in a Private Park or building. There are times when you may have to pull a permit.

Be ready to reschedule an outdoor Photography session not only for rain but also for high winds. A windy day is just as bad as rain. It will wreck havoc with a bride and in some cases even the groom’s hair. Plus, it can just be a pain to keep a dress or other pieces of clothing down in high winds

Ok, so you are out on location having a good time and the Photographer wants you to do a pose that you are just not feeling. Don’t be afraid to speak up even if the Photographer says, “trust me it will look beautiful”. Chances are if you were not feeling it –it wasn’t working anyway. I have found over the years that what one couple likes another couple can just hate. I love honesty and would rather skip a pose then make a couple do something they are not in favor of. So don’t be afraid to speak up.

That goes for a pose that you have seen somewhere and want to do. As a Wedding Photographer I have a ton of poses stored in my head, but unfortunately I don’t know them all. Don’t be afraid to ask or better yet show the photographer a picture of the pose. Most photographers are more then happy to incorporate whatever pose you would like.

Now days, most photographers include a Free Engagement Session when you book a Wedding Package with them. I include it free with any Wedding Package you book with us. In the end, it is not only a good way for you to get to know your photographer before your Wedding Day but it give us time as Photographers to get to know what you like and dislike about being Photographed. The outcome should make you feel very good about the choice you made for your wedding day coverage.

If you are one of the 14 million couples just engaged or have been engaged for a while and are looking for a Wedding Photographer or Videographer please don’t hesitate to call me at 810-229-4971 or email me at info@andersonstudios.com. Right now we have a great wedding package special. You can get $200.00 off any Wedding Photography and/or Video package. Plus, a free 11×14 inch package if you book by March 31st, 20 13.

The images included with this Blog are from several of the Engagement Sessions I photographed for couples getting married in 2013.

Thank you for stopping by. Keep smiling!

Judy Anderson

Anderson Studios Photography & Video

5050 South Old US-23, S-200

Brighton, MI 48114

