Winter months are kind of slow around here, but then about mid April things start to heat up. Once May hits it can get a bit crazy. We get a lot of last minute High School Senior picture orders, Wedding Album orders, First Communion and Dance School picture orders. Don’t get me wrong… I am not complaining. With the Michigan economy as bad as it is I feel blessed to have business. If you are one of those last minute parents needing to order senior pictures don’t worry we will take care of you.

Here are a few of our favorite First Communion pictures and Dance pictures we took this month….

I videotaped several exciting events this past month. The first event I videotaped was the “The Beau/Debutante Ball”. This annual event sponsored by the Jack & Jill organization in Ann Arbor showcases the talents and academic achievements of African American Teens. The teens in turn thank their parents and anyone else that helped them along the way to get them to this point. This year there were 16 participants. The most they have had in years. This sweet and sentimental event truly displays that it takes a village to raise our children.

The second fantastic event I videotape was “Dance Mix” at the University of Michigan. This incredible dance recital is put on by all the Dance clubs at the University of Michigan every spring. You will see everything from Hip Hop to Ballroom Dancing. It showcases the talents of some of the areas most talented young dance performers. I will have a sample of this event up on my video page in a couple of week…so check it out!

Last but not least Congratulations go out to Joseph Huey and his beautiful Bride, Cathleen Muirhead. They were married on April 10th, 2010 in Livonia. I had the pleasure of videotaping their wedding and reception. What a wonderful couple!

We still have a few openings for photo and Video for 2010 Weddings and are now booking Weddings for 2011 so please don’t hesitate to contact us for availability.

Thank you for stopping by.

Until next time…Keep Smiling!

Judy Anderson