2016 Wedding Trends

I love weddings!  As a wedding photographer and videographer I get the honor of attending many weddings.  I am always looking for whats new and trendy in dresses, decorations,  and even event rituals.   Here are a few of my observations from 2015 and what I see trending in 2016.

Bridal Gowns– I am seeing a lot of sleeves or straps on gowns vs. strapless.  This makes it easy for the gowns to stay in place and not shift and move like the strapless gowns.

Grooms Clothing– Huge trend in patterned socks or character socks.  The whole male bridal party is wearing matching socks.   Super hero appeal for the men is big.  Everything from T-shirts under their tux to superhero cufflinks.

The super Hero theme is also a huge theme for wedding decor itself and shows up in not only the appeal at weddings, but also table and room decorations.   I had several wedding in 2015 where  the tables at the reception were identified with different Super Hero emblems.

–  Last year I had several weddings where the couples asked the guests to not take pictures or video with their cell phones during the service.  Couples want guests to be present in the moment.  Not messing with their phones.  Many guests think they are helping the bride and groom out by taking pictures and video, but you have to remember that is what they hired us for.    I can’t tell you the number of times guests have stood up  in front of me with their cell phone  or  a giant tablet and  blocked me from taking a photograph.

Brides are always looking for advice at the wedding…A signing matt is  still used but Brides are getting really creative with recycling old pill bottles (prescription for a good marriage) and asking you to but advice on a paper and put it in a prescription bottle.   Have an old Typewriter sitting around? Put it out on a table and ask people to type advice on the old typewriter.  One Bride had you write things on a peg and place the beg in a big picture.

Displaying bridal pictures of parents, grandparents and even great grandparents is really popular.

-Center pieces on the tables at the reception…. You see everything from flowers and twigs to jewels and lanterns.  LED  Lighting in the middle of flower arrangements on the table is big.

-Parting gifts or thank you gifts for guest….   I have seen  suckers, cookies, maple syrup, jam, candy, christmas ornaments and hot chocolate in mugs.   I am always amazed at what Brides come up with.

I am seeing less and less of bouquet and garter toss. I think this ritual has seen it’s day.  Only about 50 percent of my brides throw the bouquet and even less of the grooms tossed the garter.  Brides still have good luck with women coming out and actually catching the bouquet, but the guys just don’t want to even try to catch the garter anymore.

Here are a few more trends I saw in 2015…Candy tables made a comeback … Photo booths are still in… Uplighting all the way around the room is still very popular…  Special guests like Spartie from MSU showing up for an hour at the reception…  Cupcakes instead of a big cake are still popular.   But a sweets table with multiple cakes or pies is also trending… Real flowers still rule, but putting beautiful brooches in with the brides bouquet is a hot trend…  The dollar dance is a thing of the past.

I hope you have enjoyed my observations and if you are a bride or groom getting married this year or next and need a photographer or videographer ( or both) please feel free to contact me.  I would love to talk to you.   My 2016 schedule is filling up fast, but I do still have some dates available. Mention you read this blog and get $200.00 off any wedding package!

Thank you,

Judy Anderson

Anderson Studios Photography and Video


info@andersonstudios.com (email)