March madness is upon us! As the days get longer and warmer (thank goodness) everyone starts thinking High School Senior open houses. If you have not already ordered your Son or Daughters senior pictures for summer open houses and graduation announcements I advise you to do so. The closer we get to May the busier we get with orders and so does our lab. You don’t want to wait to the last minute to order!

March is also the time to book your wedding photography coverage. Our dates are filling up so please call us to secure your date as soon as possible!

A few weeks back Dave and I (Dave is my talented studio photographer) both had the pleasure photographing the Open House for the business next door to my Studio, “Sign-A-Rama”. Over a hundred people came out to meet the new owner and check out the businesses new look. Tons of local merchants donated food. There was a ribbon cutting and even the ground hog showed up to help. Here are a few photos from the event…

Congratulations to Applied Science and Technology in Brighton, MI. They celebrated their 25th anniversary this month! We have been photographing their staff for over 12 years and congratulate them on this major milestone.

Koo Dos go out to the dozen or so boy scouts that crossed over recently at the Pinckney Boy Scouts Pack 391 Blue and Gold Dinner. I have had the pleasure of photographing portraits at their banquet for over 5 years now.

I got a new backdrop for the studio this month! It is a deep red or burgundy color with a little black in it. Over the weekend I did a session with Doug and he graciously let me try out the new backdrop. What do you think?

Oh before I go…we just up loaded the group shots from Howell’s, Performance Dance Theatres very talented competition team. They are up in our gallery so if you have a minute take a look.

Thank you so much for tuning in and I do so appreciate your business.

Keep Smiling!!!

Judy Anderson