Welcome to my first Blog on our newly redesigned website. I hope you like the new look of our website. It has been many months in the making and all the credit goes to my web designer Kevin Doak from Crucial Web Development. Drop me an email and let me know what you think.

Since this is my first blog I thought I would bring you up to speed as to just what we have been doing since January. Future blogs will be more up to date and specific.

In March we had the privilege to take pictures and video for Coke Zero at the Final Four Basketball play-offs. It was so much fun and a great honor.

We finished up what we call Dance Season about a Month ago. It has been our pleasure do do the photos and video performances for six different Dance Schools in the area. We start in January with pictures for Glenn’s School of Dance in Howell, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN- Dance Mix performance in March (now showing on U-tube). Milford Dance Academy’s pictures and recital video in May, Center Stage Dance Company’s pictures and recital video in May & June, Ginny’s Danceworks (Brighton) dance recital video in June and MGM’s School Dance, Flushing MI recital video in June. Hundreds of pictures later and 14 edited video performances later it is officially over until January 2010. I hope to have some performance video up on our video page soon!


Numerous families come to us for family or children’s portraits. This year was the year of the dog . We did many portraits this year that included man’s best friend. We are one of the few studios in the area that don’t mind the family pet in the shot! You can check out some of our resent session in our gallery. Just click in the right hand corner where it says looking for your on-line photos? Then click on Families & Events. While you are there we have some great product photography up Too!

Ahhh weddings! We have already shot 11 weddings this year! We have three more to shoot this month. We have had so much fun at weddings this year. We have just been blessed with the best Brides and Grooms ever! We have traveled to Port Huron, Lansing, Sterling Hgts, Livonia, Ann Arbor, Saline and right here in Brighton. This past week we Photograph a very beautiful small wedding right here in Brighton. Congratulations go out to Cheryl Barrett and Doug Truitt. They tied the knot on Sept. 5th, 2009! If you would like to see how we shoot a wedding. Check out our proofs on line.

Last, but not least…High School Seniors! With only about a month to go before yearbook deadlines we are very busy getting sessions photographed and proof books ordered. We are one of the last studios in town to provide a proof magazine with all their proofs in it. Our clients love it! We had so much fun yesterday Photographing Brighton High Senior, Tyler Boyd . He is one of the Goalies on the Brighton High Varsity Hockey team. He brought all of his athletic gear and we got really creative with it. Last week I had a request from a Howell senior to shoot the outdoor portion of his senior session in a local cemetery. At first I was a little apprehensive, but we were very respectful of the grave sites and found some very interesting places to take photographs. His pictures came out great!

Well there you have it. After 20 years we are still going strong! My future blogs will be much more specific, but I wanted to bring you up to date. Thanks for stopping by. I would love to hear from you so please feel free to email. Till next time…

Keep Smiling!

Judy Anderson