Hi All,

Thanks for dropping In!  Wow it is hard to believe that we are already into November.  This has been the year that all of us will never forget.  With the economy the way it has been it has humbled us all!  So to help you out and give you some great gift Ideas now through Dec. 10th, 2009 we are having  a large print sale.   Save $10.00 on any large print ordered  11×14 or larger! Plus if you book an in studio Family  session between now and Dec. 10th, save an additional $10 off the session fee and get a free  8×10 print!  Who doesn’t Like the gift of a current  photo in a nice frame? So take a new family photo while your children still want to be seen with you.  Call 810-229-4971to book a session today.

In Studio News…  We have been so busy processing our fall weddings.   In our gallery you can check out the  wedding of Emily and James.  They were married July 25th, 2009 at the MSU Botanical Gardens and the reception was at Crystal Gardens here in Brighton.  It looked like rain on the way to the wedding, but the sun came out and it was so beautiful. The Gardens provide such a spectacular backdrop for pictures.     Emily and James were the sweetest couple to work with and so in love.  The pictures really show how comfortable they are with each other.  What a great couple.  Two days after their wedding they moved to Texas. We wish them the best!

Lauran & Jonathon are a couple referred to us by one of our brides from last year.  They were married August 21st, 2009 and their pictures are also up in our gallery.  They were married at a very beautiful Lutheran Church in Hamburg and had their reception at Crystal Gardens too! Despite a threat of rain and some pretty heavy winds that day they ended up having the most beautiful wedding.  The grounds around the church provided almost a dream like setting to be photographed in. They were wonderful to work with despite the the windy conditions that day.  They are truly in love and it shows in there pictures.  Again we wish them all the best!

We are now booking 2010 Weddings!  Call and ask us about our 2010 Wedding Specials! 800-227-4686

We are also finishing up the last of our High School Seniors for the year.   We had the pleasure of photographing so many great young men and women from our community and well beyond.   Jackson Armstrong one of the top basketball players at Brighton High came by for a session in October.  Andrew Hennig from Kensington Woods High School came in with his Dad’s vintage Mustang.  Caitlin Anderson (Varsity girls Basketball player)  and Josh Burnell (Captain  of Varsity Football Team) both from Father Gabriel Richard High came by for great fall indoor/outdoor senior sessions.   To book a senior session or if you have any question please don’t hesitate to call our studio.

Last but not least Family sessions…Fall is one of the best times of year to schedule a Family Portrait  session.  We photograph a little inside and we take photos outside behind our studio (weather permitting).   We have several new Family sessions up in our gallery.  Remember right now you can get $10.00 off the session fee and a free 8×10 if you book a family session between now and Dec. 10th, 2009.

I have so much to be thankful for.  It has been over five years since my wonderful husband  Miro Anderson (he was a great photographer),  passed away.  A week doesn’t go by that a client or friend doesn’t mention him.    He had unforgettable talent  and personality.  I am so thankful for the time we had together (over 25yrs!), the three wonderful children we have and twenty years in business.  What my degree in photography and video didn’t teach me- he did.   Even in these tough economic times we need to stop and take stock in all we have and stop thinking of all we have not.    I would be remiss if I did not thank all of you who put your faith in us and hired us to photograph  or videotape your wedding, your family portrait, your high school senior,  your business portrait,  dance school, etc.,  this year.    Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Sincerely and don’t forget to keep smiling!

Judy Anderson