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So far kdoak has created 22 blog entries.

Wedding Trends for 2012/2013

Lets face it when you photograph Weddings for a living you see what is hot and new for couples to do at their weddings. Here are a few trends I have noticed…Photo booths are very trendy right now at weddings. They can be a lot of fun for the guests, but be aware they will take a lot of people off the dance floor. I am not sure how long this trend will last. They are becoming more and more common at Weddings and not such a novelty anymore. Plus, what does one do with all those goofy strips of pictures?
The second trend I see is fancy up lighting. Up lighting all around the room at the reception is very in right now. It can really set off a room and make it more elegant. Just be aware that blue and purple lighting can cast some unflattering colors on skin. If the color stays on the walls you are OK, but if it spills out into the room it can make you look like a smurf. The most flattering up lighting color I have seen is an amber or gold color. It creates a warm hue and is very nice for most skin tones.

The last trend I will mention in this post (I will mention three more next time) is a resurgence of a live band at weddings. Don’t get me wrong I love a good DJ and I have had the pleasure of working with the best over the years. Not to mention how much more economical a DJ can be compared to a band. However, last year almost half of the weddings I photographed or did video at had wonderful bands. These were large 5, 6 ,7 piece bands. We are blessed with such musical talent in Michigan and it is nice to see bands getting work again. I even had a DJ at a wedding we just photographed in May play the piano and violin at the church. Then he played electric violin along with the music at the reception! He was soooooo good. His name is Rodney Lamar Page . You should check him out. He is out of the Lansing area and very talented.

I promised in my last blog post to put up some more photos from Weddings we photographed last fall. Autumn has become one of the most popular times of year to get married in, and you add the special date 11/11/11 to the mix last year and it was crazy. I had a very hard time narrowing my picks down to just a few photos but I have posted them here. Plus, I also have more Wedding Photographs posted on my Facebook page. I do still have a few openings for Wedding Photography coverage and Video for this Fall, and am booking dates for 2013. If you are looking for a Wedding Photographer or Wedding Videographer (maybe both), please give me a call 810-229-4971 or email me through this website. I would love to talk to you!

Congratulations go out to all the 2012 High School Senior Graduates. The ceremonies are over and the Graduation parties are in full swing. I am now booking High School Senior sessions for 2013 seniors, so don’t hesitate to call and book your session early. I only photograph two seniors a day so booking early will assure you will get the date and time you are looking for. I have tons of 2012 senior pictures posted on Facebook so if you have time please take a look .

Next time more wedding trends and some of my favorite High School Senior pictures.

Thanks for stopping by and don’t forget to keep smiling,

Judy Anderson

Anderson Studios Photography & Video


By |2017-02-02T04:34:56-05:00June 27th, 2012|News|Comments Off on Wedding Trends for 2012/2013

Warm Winter Greetings!

Can you believe we are already into the second month of the new year and I have not had a chance until now to wish you the best of health, happiness and prosperity in 2012! Sorry it took me so long.

Last year was a very busy year at the studio and I would very much like to take a moment to thank everyone that came to us in 2011 for photography or video services. It is truly a passion of mine and it is a pleasure to serve you. Thank you so much for your patronage!

Wedding Photography booking season is in full bloom and if you are newly engaged I would love to sit down with you and discuss what kind of wedding photography or video coverage you are looking for. We have a package that we can custom make to meet just about any wedding budget. Give me a call 810-229-4971 or email me at info@andersonstudios.com or stop by the Studio in Brighton, MI if you have any questions.

I tried to keep this news letter short and sweet. I am leaving you with postings of some of my Favorite wedding photos we took at weddings we photographed this year. Next time in honor of Valentines Day I will post some of my favorite engagement photographs I took in 2011. Till then enjoy this unseasonably warm weather we have been having and Keep smiling!


Judy Anderson Anderson Studios Photography and Video
5050 South Old US-23, S-200, Brighton, MI 48114

By |2017-02-02T04:35:03-05:00February 1st, 2012|News|Comments Off on Warm Winter Greetings!

It is still so fascinating to me.

I have had many people over the years ask me why I got into the Photography and Video field. For me it started when I was a child and my Father would bring out his super 8 video camera and start taping our Thanksgiving dinner. He always had this massive hand made light platform to light the whole room while we ate. I can’t tell you how many times he blew a fuse when he plugged it in. It became almost second nature to all of us. Every Holiday and special occasion the camera would make an appearance. I have to say I was fascinated by it. Once I was old enough I started picking up the camera and shooting on my own. Didn’t matter if it was a still camera or a video camera. I usually had both. One in my hand and the other around my neck. I enrolled at Wayne State University in Detroit and four years later I received my Bachelor of Arts Degree, specializing in Photography, Film and Video production.

While in college I met a very talented Photographer, Miro Anderson. Soon after we married. Together we built this business and had three wonderful children. He passed away seven years ago, but much of what I know today I attribute to his talents.

I still have such a passion for both photography and video. No, I can’t tell you which one I like more. It depends on what I am working on at the moment. I love photography for how it captures light and a split second emotion. I love video for its movement and how adding audio can change how you react to the movement. It is all still so fascinating to me!

Thanks for stopping by and keep Smiling!

Judy Anderson

Anderson Studios Photography and Video


By |2017-02-02T04:35:08-05:00April 5th, 2011|News|Comments Off on It is still so fascinating to me.

Heart warming Engagement sessions

Is it Spring yet! I for one am counting down the days. Well…to warm things up and to get in the mood of Valentine’s Day I thought I would post a few of my favorite pictures from some of the engagement session I photographed over the past year. Engagement Sessions are free with any wedding package booked at Anderson Studios. The couples get to pick the location and choose the time of year they want to be photographed. If you are newly engaged and still looking for Photography or Video for your wedding I would love to talk to you so don’t hesitate to call or email me.

This year I traveled from downtown Chelsea to downtown Brighton and Ann Arbor, from Kensington Park to Greystone Golf Club (32 mile in Washington Township). Each location adds a little special flavor to each session. Take a look at these loving couples and see if they don’t make you smile.

May cupids arrow have you in his sights this Valentine’s Day!

Keep smiling

Judy Anderson

Anderson Studios Photography & Video 810-229-4971, 800-227-4686 or email me at info@andersonstudios.com
PS. You can see more engagement photos on our Facebook page at Anderson Studios Photography and Video!!!

By |2017-02-02T04:35:12-05:00January 31st, 2011|News|Comments Off on Heart warming Engagement sessions

Happy Holidays!

I can’t beleive it has been so long since I posted something on the website. I have just been very busy with work and family. However, my New Years resolution is to take a couple of hours every other week and post a few words and pictures. I have been a bit better with the Anderson Studios Facebook page, but that could use more posting time too. 2011 will be the year I improve my Social Networking.

Congratulations to all the wonderful couples who tied the knot this year. Here are just a few of my favorite photos from the some of the weddings we covered in 2010. I will have more pix posted in January 2011!

Right now I just wanted to take a few moments to count my blessings and thank all who called apon us to take Photos or Video for them in 2010. I do so appreciate your business and wish you and yours health, happiness and much love in the coming year!


Judy Anderson
Anderson Studios Photography and Video

By |2017-02-02T04:35:17-05:00December 22nd, 2010|News|Comments Off on Happy Holidays!

Wow! Crazy days in May!

Winter months are kind of slow around here, but then about mid April things start to heat up. Once May hits it can get a bit crazy. We get a lot of last minute High School Senior picture orders, Wedding Album orders, First Communion and Dance School picture orders. Don’t get me wrong… I am not complaining. With the Michigan economy as bad as it is I feel blessed to have business. If you are one of those last minute parents needing to order senior pictures don’t worry we will take care of you.

Here are a few of our favorite First Communion pictures and Dance pictures we took this month….

I videotaped several exciting events this past month. The first event I videotaped was the “The Beau/Debutante Ball”. This annual event sponsored by the Jack & Jill organization in Ann Arbor showcases the talents and academic achievements of African American Teens. The teens in turn thank their parents and anyone else that helped them along the way to get them to this point. This year there were 16 participants. The most they have had in years. This sweet and sentimental event truly displays that it takes a village to raise our children.

The second fantastic event I videotape was “Dance Mix” at the University of Michigan. This incredible dance recital is put on by all the Dance clubs at the University of Michigan every spring. You will see everything from Hip Hop to Ballroom Dancing. It showcases the talents of some of the areas most talented young dance performers. I will have a sample of this event up on my video page in a couple of week…so check it out!

Last but not least Congratulations go out to Joseph Huey and his beautiful Bride, Cathleen Muirhead. They were married on April 10th, 2010 in Livonia. I had the pleasure of videotaping their wedding and reception. What a wonderful couple!

We still have a few openings for photo and Video for 2010 Weddings and are now booking Weddings for 2011 so please don’t hesitate to contact us for availability.

Thank you for stopping by.

Until next time…Keep Smiling!

Judy Anderson

By |2017-02-02T04:35:26-05:00May 7th, 2010|News|Comments Off on Wow! Crazy days in May!

March Madness!

March madness is upon us! As the days get longer and warmer (thank goodness) everyone starts thinking High School Senior open houses. If you have not already ordered your Son or Daughters senior pictures for summer open houses and graduation announcements I advise you to do so. The closer we get to May the busier we get with orders and so does our lab. You don’t want to wait to the last minute to order!

March is also the time to book your wedding photography coverage. Our dates are filling up so please call us to secure your date as soon as possible!

A few weeks back Dave and I (Dave is my talented studio photographer) both had the pleasure photographing the Open House for the business next door to my Studio, “Sign-A-Rama”. Over a hundred people came out to meet the new owner and check out the businesses new look. Tons of local merchants donated food. There was a ribbon cutting and even the ground hog showed up to help. Here are a few photos from the event…

Congratulations to Applied Science and Technology in Brighton, MI. They celebrated their 25th anniversary this month! We have been photographing their staff for over 12 years and congratulate them on this major milestone.

Koo Dos go out to the dozen or so boy scouts that crossed over recently at the Pinckney Boy Scouts Pack 391 Blue and Gold Dinner. I have had the pleasure of photographing portraits at their banquet for over 5 years now.

I got a new backdrop for the studio this month! It is a deep red or burgundy color with a little black in it. Over the weekend I did a session with Doug and he graciously let me try out the new backdrop. What do you think?

Oh before I go…we just up loaded the group shots from Howell’s, Performance Dance Theatres very talented competition team. They are up in our gallery so if you have a minute take a look.

Thank you so much for tuning in and I do so appreciate your business.

Keep Smiling!!!

Judy Anderson

By |2017-02-02T04:35:29-05:00March 11th, 2010|News|Comments Off on March Madness!

Keeping Warm!

Boy is it cold outside.  Hope you are keeping warm and having a better year then last year!  One event that can warm almost any one’s heart is ARC of Livingston County’s Annual Fashion Show and Silent Auction. The ARC uses this fundraiser to raise funds to sent handicap children and young adults to summer camp.   This year it was once again at Crystal Gardens during the Holidays.  I have had the pleasure of photographing  it every year for the past 5 years and my husband photographed it for many years prior to his death.  Many local residents  along with sports celebrities and TV news personalities volunteer their services to model for the show.   This year even Mickey Redmond, Former Red Wing Star and the voice of Red Wing Hockey came out to help with the cause.   It was a fun-filled night that raise thousands of dollars for this wonderful cause.  Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the event…
January is not a very popular month to get married in, but there are some benefits to having a Winter Wedding.  Most of the venues will give you a discount and you can get services like photography, DJ, videographer at a winter wedding discount.  We will give you an extra $100.00 off if your wedding is held Dec-March of the year.  It is something to consider if you are on a tight budget.  If you want to save even more money book your wedding on a Sunday or during the week!  If you are planning a wedding in the next year we are offering a discount right now through March 1st, 2010.  You can get between $150.00 to $300.00 of our wedding packages.  Dates are filling fast so don’t hesitate to contact us!

I got a call from a Bride about six months ago. She had someone else photograph  her wedding a year ago and wasn’t happy with the results.  She asked if she could book an in Studio Bridal Session in January with Us.  Nicole and Dustin came into the Studio on a Saturday afternoon in January with all their bridal attire from a year ago and we had a ball.  They were a wonderful couple that are just naturals in front of the camera.  It was a great way to spend a cold winter day.  Here are few favs….

Another nice way to spend a cold winter day is at a Wedding!  I had the of pleasure of videotaping the wedding of Aubrey & Ann on Jan. 21st, 2010.  The  ceremony was at one of the most beautiful wedding chapels I have been in.  They were married at the Victoria Wedding Chapel on the shores of a Frozen lake in Waterford.  The Chapel is located in an English Tutor Style Mansion.  It had stone work and fire places! It was very charming.  This sweet couple made it a family affair.  Ann’s daughter and son were in the wedding.  Plus, her brother was Aubrey’s Best Man.  Ann looked beautiful and Aubrey was so handsome in his tucks with torquoise accents.   The reception was at Crystal Gardens here in Brighton.  This couple’s  love for each other was very apparent and the children’s love and admiration for Aubrey was very touching.

Thank You For Stopping by!

Keep smiling,

Judy Anderson

By |2017-02-02T04:35:34-05:00February 4th, 2010|News|Comments Off on Keeping Warm!

Happy Holidays!

Before I say anything else…From my Family to yours “Happy Holidays!. May the new year bring you hope, happiness and love!

I have really seen a resurgence of families getting back to basics and having a family portrait done for the Holidays. It is so nice to see so many young adults call up and book a family portrait as a gift for their parents. It is truly a gift from the heart that will be treasured for years to come. One of the biggest regrets I had when my husband died from a sudden heart attack almost six years ago was that we did not have a current family photo of all of us together. We had no excuse… we were both photographers!

So don’t hesitate and try to get a new family photo done every couple of years. Here are just a few examples of what we have been up to lately.

On the wedding front we have put a one new weddings up in our gallery this month. We will be adding one more in the next couple of days. Dejuana & Freddie were married on September 26th, 2009. The Ceremony was at a lovely church in Ypsilanti, MI and the reception was at the Ann Arbor Polo Fields. The wedding was absolutely beautiful and reception was a blast! They are the perfect couple! Our second wedding was Fiona & Marc. They were married at Historic Greenmead Church in Livonia. It was a quaint little historic church on the grounds of Greenmead. The wedding party had a Scottish flair If you are preparing for a wedding in 2010 we have special pricing if you book by February 28th, 2010, Dates are going fast so check us out and let me know if you have any questions.

There are few companies in the area hiring. They have sent new employees in to us to have business sessions. This is a good sign that things are slowly turning around in the area. We also had a wonderful time with the hard working staff at Hamway & Stroster Orthodontist office here in Brighton. We photographed their staff and offices to update there new website. If you are a business in need of either employee pictures or business photos for your website just give us a call (810-229-4971). We would be happy to either have you come to our studio or we can come out to your location and take some photos. We do Website Videos Too!

On the Video front… I finished all our Wedding Videos for the year and will be changing our samples on the website to 2009 weddings in the coming months.

Happy Holidays and Thank you so much for your business in 2009!

Judy Anderson

By |2017-02-02T04:35:39-05:00December 23rd, 2009|News|Comments Off on Happy Holidays!

Giving Thanks

Hi All,

Thanks for dropping In!  Wow it is hard to believe that we are already into November.  This has been the year that all of us will never forget.  With the economy the way it has been it has humbled us all!  So to help you out and give you some great gift Ideas now through Dec. 10th, 2009 we are having  a large print sale.   Save $10.00 on any large print ordered  11×14 or larger! Plus if you book an in studio Family  session between now and Dec. 10th, save an additional $10 off the session fee and get a free  8×10 print!  Who doesn’t Like the gift of a current  photo in a nice frame? So take a new family photo while your children still want to be seen with you.  Call 810-229-4971to book a session today.

In Studio News…  We have been so busy processing our fall weddings.   In our gallery you can check out the  wedding of Emily and James.  They were married July 25th, 2009 at the MSU Botanical Gardens and the reception was at Crystal Gardens here in Brighton.  It looked like rain on the way to the wedding, but the sun came out and it was so beautiful. The Gardens provide such a spectacular backdrop for pictures.     Emily and James were the sweetest couple to work with and so in love.  The pictures really show how comfortable they are with each other.  What a great couple.  Two days after their wedding they moved to Texas. We wish them the best!

Lauran & Jonathon are a couple referred to us by one of our brides from last year.  They were married August 21st, 2009 and their pictures are also up in our gallery.  They were married at a very beautiful Lutheran Church in Hamburg and had their reception at Crystal Gardens too! Despite a threat of rain and some pretty heavy winds that day they ended up having the most beautiful wedding.  The grounds around the church provided almost a dream like setting to be photographed in. They were wonderful to work with despite the the windy conditions that day.  They are truly in love and it shows in there pictures.  Again we wish them all the best!

We are now booking 2010 Weddings!  Call and ask us about our 2010 Wedding Specials! 800-227-4686

We are also finishing up the last of our High School Seniors for the year.   We had the pleasure of photographing so many great young men and women from our community and well beyond.   Jackson Armstrong one of the top basketball players at Brighton High came by for a session in October.  Andrew Hennig from Kensington Woods High School came in with his Dad’s vintage Mustang.  Caitlin Anderson (Varsity girls Basketball player)  and Josh Burnell (Captain  of Varsity Football Team) both from Father Gabriel Richard High came by for great fall indoor/outdoor senior sessions.   To book a senior session or if you have any question please don’t hesitate to call our studio.

Last but not least Family sessions…Fall is one of the best times of year to schedule a Family Portrait  session.  We photograph a little inside and we take photos outside behind our studio (weather permitting).   We have several new Family sessions up in our gallery.  Remember right now you can get $10.00 off the session fee and a free 8×10 if you book a family session between now and Dec. 10th, 2009.

I have so much to be thankful for.  It has been over five years since my wonderful husband  Miro Anderson (he was a great photographer),  passed away.  A week doesn’t go by that a client or friend doesn’t mention him.    He had unforgettable talent  and personality.  I am so thankful for the time we had together (over 25yrs!), the three wonderful children we have and twenty years in business.  What my degree in photography and video didn’t teach me- he did.   Even in these tough economic times we need to stop and take stock in all we have and stop thinking of all we have not.    I would be remiss if I did not thank all of you who put your faith in us and hired us to photograph  or videotape your wedding, your family portrait, your high school senior,  your business portrait,  dance school, etc.,  this year.    Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Sincerely and don’t forget to keep smiling!

Judy Anderson

By |2017-02-02T04:35:43-05:00November 11th, 2009|News|Comments Off on Giving Thanks
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